BuzzRocket's Blog

Tweet Button Goes Live

Twitter has gone live today with Tweet Button, a tool that allows users to share links directly from the page they are on. This is a great way to streamline the process of sharing news and information on your Twitter page. Gone are the days of cutting and pasting and bouncing between pages to tweet your post. For some of us.

So far the Tweet Button seems to be a little more user friendly than the Retweet Button, which doesn’t always add a message or shorten your link. This is a great tool for personal use, but what about professional?

While we enjoy the new Tweet Button, BuzzRocket – and many others – still are forced to float between pages, cutting and pasting as we often times use web-based tools like HootSuite to shorten links, post tweets, manage accounts and track analytics.

And what does this announcement mean for the “Retweet Button” third-party Twitter sharing service, TweetMeme? According to Twitter’s blog, “We’re pleased to be working closely with the good folks at TweetMeme and, from here on out, they will be pointing to the Twitter Tweet Button.”

Take a tour now!

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