BuzzRocket's Blog

White iPhone 4 in the house!

Coming to you this Thursday …

More iPhone 4 Love

If it wasn’t obvious from a previous BuzzRocket post, iPhone 4 Challenge at TEDx, I love the iPhone 4, which has proved itself again today at a Writers Boot Camp Business Breakfast session, featuring Shira Lazar, an EMMY nominated TV and Web Personality who continues to bridge the gap between traditional and new media and be a prominent leader and voice for the digital age.

The moderator, Jeffrey Gordon, politely reminded the crowd to turn off their phones before the session started. Lazar quickly interrupted, saying, No! Leave them on. Tweet about this. I want you to tweet.” A girl after my own heart.



I quickly pulled up my Evernote app and started voice recording the Q&A, then popped over to Hootsuite to start tweeting realtime updates about the event. I was able to multitask and jump from app to app, updating, documenting all without a hitch.



I realize that many people, like my mother, use the iPhone to check email, take pictures, text and, yes, make the occasional phone call. But when you take advantage off all its capabilities, it truly is an invaluable tool that I’m very proud to have – even in LA, the land of dropped AT&T calls.

iPhone 4 Challenge at TEDx

As I posted yesterday, I had the distinct honor of running the TEDxGoldstar blog throughout the day for the truly inspirational event. To make things (more) interesting, and to avoid lugging around a cumbersome laptop, flip cam, camera, etc., I challenged myself to run the entire blog off my iPhone 4. This made some question my intelligence, sanity … perhaps wonder if I had a gambling problem. Hey, this was TEDx: The perfect place to exhibit such an innovative tool like an iPhone.

I’m happy to report that my challenge was an absolute success. I was able to capture and edit HD video, take pictures, post real-time updates, add the TEDxGoldstar Interactive Host blogs and promote everything via twitter through my tiny, powerful little phone. I felt like I was living out an iPhone commercial’s dream.

The capabilities of the phone were nothing short of incredible, but I also have to attribute a lot of the success to the Tumblr iPhone app, which made uploading new posts a seamless process. Even uploading videos took but minutes from the phone (compared to 20-30 minutes from my computer). Tagging the posts was simple, as well.

My only complaint is that the keyboard on the Tumblr app doesn’t flip, so I was forced to type on a tiny vertical keyboard, which was fine at first, but by the eighth straight hour of blogging, I was ready to chuck my iPhone off the roof of the Downtown Independent, where TEDxGoldstar was held.

Verizon iPhone 4 Announced

Free at last! Free at last! At a press event this morning Verizon President and COO Lowell McAdam joined Apple COO Tim Cook to make the much-anticipated announcement to offer the iPhone 4 starting next month. For years iPhone users have been criticizing the lackluster service offered by AT&T.

While no carrier is perfect, thousands of angry AT&T users have been eagerly awaiting this day and are ready to jump ship. Even The Woz wants one.

During the announcement, McAdam discussed the reliability of Verizon’s network and ability to support data.

Hopefully this competition will lead to better service and pricing from AT&T (we agree with The Woz: competition is good). We should note that not all of AT&T’s customer service issues (upgrade options) are their fault. They do stem from the tight contract they have with Apple. It should be interesting to see if Verizon will suffer from some of the same problems.