BuzzRocket's Blog

What are you waiting for?

In case you’ve still not added social media to your overall marketing campaign, here’s some information that should convince you to get on board.

According to a recent report by The Nielson Company, global customers spent more than 5.5 hours on social networks in December 2009, an 82 percent increase from the same time in 2008. Network leaders such as Facebook and Twitter accounted for the majority of growth increasing 200 percent and 368 percent, respectively.

And another more recent Nielson report shows that Facebook users spent an average of 7 hours on Facebook in January 2010, growing 10 percent in just one month.

As these numbers continue to rise, so does the motivation for marketers to not only join the social networks, but also strategically implement campaigns to engage their online customer base.

Brands – small and large – already are participating with these rapidly-growing online communities and reaping the benefits.  So, again, we ask you: What are you waiting for?

Build it. They will come. We Promise.

Getting results on social media takes time. Typically, things are not going to happen over night. Building your audience, engaging them will take a couple months. Remember the word “social” in this equation. Social media should be treated as if it were a networking event, or reception. For example, if a stranger came up to you at a party and told you to buy a certain kind of toothpaste, would you do it? Likely not, but if you got to know the stranger, who after a few encounters became a friend, and then he suggested the toothpaste again, you would probably be more likely to hear why he wants you to buy this product, and trust him enough to follow his advice.

Before launching your campaign, assemble your team. If you don’t have a marketing or social media person in-house, hire a consultant or speak with your agency, and develop a strong social media marketing strategy that includes goals, target audiences. A solid plan with clear short- and long-term goals will help you stay on track and save time.

Social Media Usage Doubles for Small Businesses

Way to go small businesses! Though slow to jump on the bandwagon, social media adoption by smaller companies has doubled since 2009 according to the recently released third edition of the Small Business Success Index (SBSI) sponsored by Network Solutions® and the Center for Excellence in Service at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.

The impressive boost in numbers means that nearly one-in-five small businesses are actively using social networking sites. Most businesses, big and small, are looking to social media as a new, cost reducing way to maintain communications with their audience and build existing client bases.

Key social media usage highlights include:

  1. 75% surveyed have a company page on a social networking site.
  2. 61% use social media for identifying and attracting new customers.
  3. 57% have built a network through a site like LinkedIn.
  4. 45% expect social media to be profitable in the next 12 months.

However, not all small businesses are enjoying their experiences with social media. According to the SBSI, there small businesses still have a few concerns with social media.

  1. 50% of small business social media users say it takes more time than expected.
  2. 17% express that social media gives people a chance to criticize their business on the Internet.
  3. 6% feel that social media use has hurt the image of the business more than helped it.

Click here to read more about SBSI.