BuzzRocket's Blog

Social Media offers deeper dialogue

And the numbers keep growing. Facebook has 450 million users globally, with millions more being added each week. And according to Hitwise, for the week ending March 20, 2010, Facebook is still edging out Google in the US to become the most visited website for the second week running. (Thirty percent of the top 10 visited sites are social networks.)

While social media’s level of popularity may be an all-time high it’s more than just a fad. It’s a new way of communicating. For companies, it’s a way to take their brands to new audiences and engage customers. For years, consumers have been spoken to, now, thanks to social media, conversation is a two-way street, allowing companies to encourage a deeper dialogue with their customers.

It’s important to remember the “social” element in social media. Audiences choose to follow you and in turn, read what you have to say, but they also have the chance to respond. Be ready for praise…and criticism. But don’t be deterred. This is an invaluable tool for promotion, thought leadership, feedback and reputation management.

Social Media Addiction

OK, so reading the Retrevo Gadgetology report did make me feel a little better about myself; that I wasn’t alone in this world. Possibly explaining why I am still single, here is how my social media bedtime routine goes:

  1. Check all Facebook and Twitter accounts for my clients and me
  2. Stalk a couple friends on Facebook
  3. Find something to fall asleep to on Hulu
  4. Jump in bed with iPhone, fall asleep
  5. Wake up at some point in the middle of the night and can’t fall asleep for an hour (EVERY NIGHT!)
  6. Turn on iPhone, check all social networks for clients and me. Retweet when possible (people post good stuff in the middle of the night), read Mashable or Perez until I fall back asleep
  7. Wake up at 8, check emails, Facebook and Twitter before getting out of bed, check news as I take the dogs on their morning walk.

According to the newly released study, 48 percent of people surveyed check/update Facebook or Twitter after they go to bed, 30 percent of that saying they check/update the social sites every time they wake up! And it doesn’t stop at night: 42 percent of social media users check/update Twitter and Facebook first thing in the morning. Sixteen percent of morning users said they get their morning news via social media (sorry, Matt Lauer).

The study also found that social media users check Facebook at least once a day and 12 percent check in every couple of hours!

And I guess all of us iPhone users are more social, too. But, like a good addict, I’ll blame someone else for my problems: Apple, you just make it too easy to be social!

Click here to learn more about the Gadgetology study.

Brands are more powerful online

Facebook recently announced it has 400 million active users and more than 20 million people become fans of Facebook Fan Pages each day.  And while Twitter is seeing a leveling off, its users post more than 50 million tweets per day, an average of 600 tweets per second.

Clearly these social networks are not to be ignored. And according to a new study, consumers who engage with brands on Facebook and Twitter are much more likely to recommend and purchase those brands because of their online involvement.

In a recent study by Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate Research Technologies, which included more than 1,500 consumers, researchers found that 60 percent of Facebook fans and 79 percent of Twitter followers were more likely to recommend those brands after becoming a fan or follower. Equally impressive, 50 percent of Facebook fans and 37 percent of Twitter followers were more likely to purchase the brands they follow on social networks.

Also of interest, when asked the question “What does it say about a brand if they are not involved with sites like Facebook or Twitter?” consumers responded with the following:

  1. “It’s EXPECTED that a company have some digital face – whether it’s on FB or Twitter I don’t know – but they need a strong electronic presence or you doubt their relevance in today’s marketplace.” Female 50-54
  2. “Either they are not interested in the demographic that frequents Facebook and Twitter or they are unaware of the opportunity to get more exposure in a more interactive method.” Male 35-39
  3. “It shows they are not really with it or in tune with the new ways to communicate with customers.” Female 18-24.
  4. “If they’re not on Facebook or Twitter, then they aren’t in touch with the “electronic” people.”  Female 55-59

Click here to learn more about the CMB Consumer Pulse findings.

She wrote what? (Grammar Series – Part 1)

You’re wondering why people aren’t taking you seriously around the office. You show up on time, meet deadlines, have great ideas, dress professionally…so, what’s the deal? It could be that last update you posted on your LinkedIn page: “I’d like to thank every one for there hard work…Your the best team ever!” Yikes. Not only do you look like an idiot for those grammatical errors, but so does the company you have listed as your employer.

With more and more people professionally communicating via social networks (most without the crutch of spell check), it’s important to review a few common spelling/grammar errors. We’re trying to keep it simple with the following format: Word. Usage. Example. If you’d like specific definitions, please visit Merriam Webster Online.

There, their, they’re
There: PLACE. Example: Put the file over there. EXCLAMATION. Example: There you go!
Their: POSSESSION. Example: That file is theirs.
They’re: CONTRACTION of “They are.” Example: They’re proud of the file.
“They’re putting that file of theirs over there.” Get it?

It’s, its
It’s: CONTRACTION of “It is” or “it has.” Example: It’s a gorgeous day.
Its: POSSESSION. Examples: Every dog has its day. That dog dropped its bone.

Then, than
Then: TIME. Example: Don has a meeting with Rick at 11 then they are going to lunch.
Than: COMPARISION. Example: I’d rather meet in my office than yours.

Yours, your’s
Yours: POSSESSION. Example: My pen is broken; can I use yours?
Your’s: DOESN’T EXIST! Stop using it immediately.

There are many more errors we could name, but this post can only go so long, so consider this “Part 1” of a grammar series.