BuzzRocket's Blog

Hootsuite makes good

Many of you out there felt the pain of the massive Hootsuite outage, which left its users without service for more than 15 hours last Thursday. We manage a lot of accounts and can only do so by using a service like Hootsuite, which allows you to monitor and publish countless accounts to Facecbook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare, WordPress and more from their social media management website and mobile app. For people like us: it’s a godsend.

So it was a welcome surprise yesterday that Hootsuite, a service from which 1 million updates a day are posted, sent out an apology email to its Pro and Enterprise users for the outage. According to the email, “Our Terms of Service to our users outlines that we’ll provide refunds after a 24 hour outage. While this incident was significantly less, we acknowledge users were inconvenienced and we want to make things right. With this in mind, we are offering a credit for HootSuite’s Social Analytics.”

So now we have 50 credits (worth $50), which will  be applied to our analytic reports. The best thing is that now we finally know how much a credit costs, which has been a question since Hootsuite launched their new, user unfriendly analytics back in March. We love the analytic information, but the reports can be pricy and each form cannot be used again. But clients seem to be dazzled by the colorful graphs offered on the free analytic template, so maybe we’re just being snobby. Wouldn’t be the first time.

WordPress Challenge

Happy New Year! Over the break WordPress challenged its bloggers to post a new blog once a day, or once a week.

Quel coincidence! That just happens to be BuzzRocket’s own New Year’s challenge. We’re going to try to stick with news and updates pertaining to the social media world, but in case we suffer from a bit of writer’s block, WordPress has launched The Daily Post, which offers ideas and suggestions to inspire bloggers worldwide.

We’re taking the challenge. Are you?