BuzzRocket's Blog

Our new favorite app: Oink!

BuzzRocket just caught wind of this new mobile app on Mashable this morning. The iTunes site says “Oink is an easy way to rate and rank the things around you. Instead of just rating places, you rate the items inside. You could easily find the most popular items on a menu and see if a friend has tried anything there. Then if there’s something you like, it’s just a single press to rate it and share it with friends.”

We love it because a) we LOVE food, and b) it combines all our favorite features from Yelp, AroundMe, Foodspotting, Klout and Instagram to make finding the best burger around a snap. The voting feature is simple, sharing is a breeze. And the more you rank dishes and cuisines, the more “cred” you earn. Of course, our team is already killing it in the coffee arena.

We love that once you get to a new restaurant, you can jump on Oink to see what the most popular items on the menu are. Always useful when dining at the newest hotspot.

Has anyone else signed up? Do you love it like we do?

Music for your Friday listening enjoyment

Walkabout (feat. Noah Lennox) – a song by Atlas Sound we totally dig – just came up on our iTunes. Then we found a video for it featuring a rocket! Jackpot! So, what did you want to be when you grew up? Are you doing it? We’re not, but this social media thing wasn’t around in the 80s when we were kids.