BuzzRocket's Blog

Hip Hop Pee Wee

Yes! Loving these Pee Wee’s Playhouse remixes. Thank you, Brian Ellis! We feel like a kid on Saturday morning, in our jammies and all.

Hey, we all know Pee Wee is hip, but did you know he has an iPad? Check it.


This has been an incredible week! We met Dave Navarro (been obsessed since I was 13. He took my picture, not the other way around), landed some new clients, partied with Jesus, became the Foursquare mayor of Umami (thank you Hatch Burger addiction), saw old friends and made some new. So what a better way to end the work week than Pee Wee Herman posting this dreamy number on his Facebook fan page.

Now to get Pee Wee to post some episodes of El Hombre and we’re officially happy campers.