BuzzRocket's Blog

Younicorn: Most hilarious app ever?

OMG. My friend just introduced me to Younicorn, quite possibly the most magical iPhone app on the planet. Younicorn is an app that allows you to transform yourself into a unicorn! There are several background image options. I couldn’t resist the kitty, and have never laughed so hard. For $0.99 you can be a unicorn, too.

Nutricia mobile app launch complete with water weight gain

Wow. I know a lot of women who would love to see their husbands in this thing. In an effort to gain buy-in from men for the new iPhone app Baby Connection, Nutricia has introduced the “Empathy Suit,” which simulates pregnancy. The Empathy Suit features: a water pump for instant weight gain; air compressors to restrict movement; remote control kicking; and if that’s not bad enough randomized heating for extra discomfort. (Nice work, Nutricia.)

The Nutricia Baby Connection app is designed for couples to share the pregnancy by syncing their experiences through the app. According to Nutricia, male buy-in was not an issue after a short time in the Empathy Suit. This video is a must see.

foursquare secures your check-ins

Following the lead of most major social networking sites, foursquare is now using https across all its websites. In layman’s terms, as they put it on a Twitter post, “For non-nerds: this means foursquare is even more secure.”

Recently Facebook and Twitter also have announced using https, which encrypts your information so that people cannot access it, even in insecure locations like wifi hotspots. We hope this will encourage more activity on foursquare, which is the most fun, especially with its recent iPhone and iPad app overhaul. Points, badges, deals. We can’t get enough.

iPhone 4 Challenge at TEDx

As I posted yesterday, I had the distinct honor of running the TEDxGoldstar blog throughout the day for the truly inspirational event. To make things (more) interesting, and to avoid lugging around a cumbersome laptop, flip cam, camera, etc., I challenged myself to run the entire blog off my iPhone 4. This made some question my intelligence, sanity … perhaps wonder if I had a gambling problem. Hey, this was TEDx: The perfect place to exhibit such an innovative tool like an iPhone.

I’m happy to report that my challenge was an absolute success. I was able to capture and edit HD video, take pictures, post real-time updates, add the TEDxGoldstar Interactive Host blogs and promote everything via twitter through my tiny, powerful little phone. I felt like I was living out an iPhone commercial’s dream.

The capabilities of the phone were nothing short of incredible, but I also have to attribute a lot of the success to the Tumblr iPhone app, which made uploading new posts a seamless process. Even uploading videos took but minutes from the phone (compared to 20-30 minutes from my computer). Tagging the posts was simple, as well.

My only complaint is that the keyboard on the Tumblr app doesn’t flip, so I was forced to type on a tiny vertical keyboard, which was fine at first, but by the eighth straight hour of blogging, I was ready to chuck my iPhone off the roof of the Downtown Independent, where TEDxGoldstar was held.

New Evernote for iPhone

Who’s upgraded? Evernote (one of our all-time favorite Mac and iPhone apps) announced today its biggest iPhone and iPod Touch interface update ever.

Updates include new viewing options:

  • Snippet view, an intelligent note list what shows more useful content.
  • Image view – for all our fellow visual people – this allows you to to browse all the images contained in your notes.
  • Attachment view, which allows you to browse through all the attachments in your notes.

Also included in the upgrade are faster and easier ways to create your notes. You can now attach multiple images and recordings to a single note. You can now add texts and images while recording, which is excellent because you can now create 90-minute audio notes.

Other improvements have been made to better your ability to find your notes.

We just took it for a test drive and love it. Have you?